Healing Archives - Buzzy Bee Esther https://buzzybeeesther.com/tag/healing/ Mastering the Medical Medium Lifestyle & More Thu, 20 Jul 2023 23:42:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://buzzybeeesther.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/cropped-favicon-32x32.png Healing Archives - Buzzy Bee Esther https://buzzybeeesther.com/tag/healing/ 32 32 My Endometriosis https://buzzybeeesther.com/my-healing-story/my-endometriosis/ Thu, 20 Jul 2023 23:42:34 +0000 https://buzzybeeesther.com/?p=1744 Hey Everyone and welcome back to another post of Buzzy Bee Esther. In this post, I’m going to talk about my endometriosis story.  If you are new here, you will find posts about the honest truth about living the Medical Medium Lifestyle. I post recipes, information, and my story on…

The post My Endometriosis appeared first on Buzzy Bee Esther.

Hey Everyone and welcome back to another post of Buzzy Bee Esther. In this post, I’m going to talk about my endometriosis story.

 If you are new here, you will find posts about the honest truth about living the Medical Medium Lifestyle. I post recipes, information, and my story on this channel in hopes you will try it out yourself! 

I started this post first because I forgot about my tumor stuff! I was so focused on fertility. As I looked back on my journey,  I’m realizing I was more chronically ill than I believed! 

In this post, you will find information about what inspired me to start this telling my story series with an Endo post I found on Instagram. 

Then, I’m going to get into my story by dividing it into eras of my life thus far. I’m going to keep the information centered around women’s health and menstruation so if you don’t want to listen or hear details please skip! 

Next week, I’ll get into why more of Endo. This week I’m focusing on my story and experience.

Here are the eras I’m going to cover:

  • Childhood/teens
  • Young Adulthood
  • 2012 Surgery
  • Weight and 7 years after surgery
  • 2019 Going off birth control & fertility
  • 2020 Finding Medical Medium

If you prefer to watch rather than read:

Why I Wanted to Start With Endometriosis Originally

Instagram Post I found 6-13-23

This post brings tears to my eyes because of some reactions to this! So many people have struggled with this disease and it is so sad. I also felt like I wasn’t so alone because I’m the only person I know in my immediate friend group that has this disease. At the same time, it amazes me how many people are dealing with this relatively unknown disease! 

One person commented on this beautiful post that there was a troll saying that you can heal from Endo if you detox! I wonder if I was that troll because that does sound like something I would say, but I’m just trying to help! 

I have Endo and detoxing has helped with the pain more tremendously than any aspirin, pill, or hormone therapy has which was prescribed by the doctor! Birth control worked for a long time, but as soon as I wanted to get pregnant, obviously, I went off it and the pains were UNBEARABLE! 

Anyway, I wanted to get into my story more because I want people to know that you CAN HEAL! I’m still working on healing in this area, but the pains have gone down a lot!

My Story

So I’m going to break my story down into eras of my life. 

  • Childhood/teens
  • Young Adulthood
  • 2012 Surgery
  • Weight and 7 years after surgery
  • 2019 Going off birth control & fertility
  • 2020 Finding Medical Medium

Childhood and Teenage Years

I have been dealing with problems since birth like I said in my previous post about being born with benign tumors.  I think developing endometriosis was also because of the toxins and metals present in my body from birth inherited from my birth parents. 

I started birth control in 10th grade for four reasons – irregular periods, heavy periods, painful periods, and cystic acne. 

In elementary school, I had a few embarrassing moments with that time of the month because the flow was so heavy and unbearable at the time. In cheer one time I remember having to leave the game because it was coming down my leg when I wasn’t sure it was coming and it came very heavy. In school one time I remember having to go to the bathroom. I felt a lot fall out of me as I stood up and was worried it leaked even though I did have a pad on. 

Then, every other month the pain was extremely difficult to deal with. In High School, I asked to see the nurse because the pain was so unbearable. I didn’t usually go to the nurse and she could see I was in a lot of pain just by looking at me. I ended up having to walk 1.5 miles home because everyone was working and couldn’t pick me up.

I was in so much pain that I kind of hunched over and walked really slowly to get home. Halfway through my walk, I started to feel better. When I got home the pain was actually pretty much gone! The nurse also gave me medicine so it could have been a combo of the movement and Advil. Movement and heat do help if you can get through the pain.

Bringing his information to my doctors resulted in them prescribing birth control even though I wasn’t sexually active. They said it regulated hormones and would make me feel better. 

They didn’t ask me to track my period to see if it might be regular, they just gave me the pill without much guidance after that. I think I like a more holistic approach and none of my doctors provide that other than a couple of questions like, “Do you eat a balanced diet?”  

They also prescribed it to me because I was getting cystic acne in my teenage years and that was part of the answer along with a lot of antibiotics and creams. I’ll get into more details about acne in another post!

It turns out my irregular periods were actually regular. My cycle was and is anywhere between 18-35 days long. Apparently, that is normal. I could never predict my periods though because of the change in the days at times and it wasn’t every four weeks like most people I knew. Now I use an ovulation and period app to help with predicting this and it usually helps a lot.

From 2002 to 2019 I was on birth control each month religiously. 17 years!

Young Adulthood

I was complaining for years of pain in my right side halfway through my cycle which is ovulation if you don’t know. I didn’t know this at the time. Also, doing the deed hurt a lot. I thought maybe it was because I didn’t see my partner often, I had no idea that this symptom could be a result of a disease! 

Every time I brought up the pain to my gynecologist, she just dismissed it as cramps and said I was young. I wish I would have asked for an ultrasound at the time because I think my cyst was developing for years before they found it in 2012!

2012 Surgery

This is not me, but this is about the size of my scar from this surgery.

In October or November of 2012, I had an annual appointment with my gynecologist. When she did the internal exam, she thought I was pregnant! She ordered a vaginal ultrasound to check what was going on. 

During the appointment, I could tell by my technician’s expression that something was wrong. She wouldn’t tell me much and said the doctor would call.

As I was walking out of the ultrasound appointment, I received a call from the doctor. She said it was a very large cyst and that she was worried that it might be cancer! I cried on the way home because it was all really scary. People die from cancer, and I was only 25! 

My gynecologist recommended a doctor in Philly because she wasn’t comfortable taking the cyst out for the chance that it might be cancer. She assured me that I was young and it probably wasn’t cancer, but just in case she wanted someone from oncology to take it out so it didn’t spread. Apparently, if they go into the fluid around the cyst and get some of that fluid in the surrounding tissue, it could make cancer spread if it is cancerous. 

There were more tests before surgery and there were some big names thrown around with diagnosis. I came in with a paper full of questions; none of which were answered because they had to do the surgery to get those answers. The Philly doctor recommended that I not research the names because I could scare myself. There were also several names that were possible because they didn’t know what it was yet. He wanted me to leave it to him and he’ll take care of it. That was reassuring and I felt like I was in capable hands.

I had major surgery on my abdomen in the beginning of December. They drained the fluid in the cyst and biopsied the tissue. It wasn’t cancerous, thank God! They could determine that the cyst was a chocolate cyst from the biopsy, AKA endometrioma. It wasn’t cancerous! An endometrioma. It is a cyst that has some solid and fluid parts in it, and it looks like chocolate because there is endometrial lining in there. 

For those of you that don’t know, your endometrial lining is a lining in your uterus that a fertilized egg attaches to. It is the true life giver of a baby because if that egg does not attach to the endometrial lining then it will be discarded with the woman’s next menstrual cycle. So even if you have a fertilized egg that is viable to have a baby it is useless without a healthy endometrial lining to support that life and its initial stages. 

Additionally, the endometrial lining is what sheds when we menstruate. So when women say they are bleeding they are not actually bleeding blood but they are bleeding their endometrial lining and shedding it to prepare the uterus for a new lining to develop and a new possible fertilized egg to attach in the next month.

Back to the story: The cyst that was removed on my right side was the size of a cantaloupe. They gave my parents and I a number for the capacity of fluid that came out, and my dad who is a math wiz, said it was the size of a cantaloupe! They ended up taking the ovary with the cyst because they couldn’t remove the cyst alone. That was all I could gather about the conversation after surgery because I was on a lot of morphine. They had me on a morphine drip.  

My parents and Chris who I just started dating were there in the hospital with me every day! I was there for a few days afterward because they did major surgery on my abdomen. Also, I think I woke up during the surgery. They say redheads metabolize anesthesia faster, and I think this is true from my experiences with surgeries. 

As a side note: the surgery experience is what made me fall in love with Chris because he was there every single day in the hospital for almost a week while I was recovering from surgery. I knew he was a good one!

The doctor told me they saw some endometrial lining on my bladder when they were doing surgery which is when I was diagnosed with endometriosis. I was complaining about pain in my ovaries every time I ovulated and had my period for years! 

Part of the problem with endometriosis is that no one really knows what the hell it is. First, laparoscopic surgery or surgery like mine is the only way to diagnose endometriosis where the doctor can see the endometrial lining in other areas of the body. In one post I read they said it could get pretty far away from the reproductive system which amazed me. Women with endometriosis have it most of their life and complain of horrible pains but are just written off as standard pain with their period without much consideration.

When I asked my thousands of questions at a follow-up, all of the doctors couldn’t tell me why it happened or even what it was in the first place. I was told it was just an endometrial lining that didn’t know where to go so it went wherever It wanted. I was told my body was attacking itself and there was really nothing I could do. 

They said I wouldn’t have problems getting pregnant when I told them my plan was to have babies in a couple of years.

Those couple of years turned into 7!

Weight and 7 Years after Surgery

A couple of years turned into 7 because I didn’t feel settled in my career as a teacher. I was moving schools pretty much every 2 years because of circumstances like freezing pay, or enrollment dropped. Teaching is not easy. Moving schools and learning new systems and curricula was even harder! Additionally, I was in urban education for most of my career which is even harder!

After surgery, Chris traded in one of his sports cars in preparation for us to have a kid like right away even though we weren’t married because of my endometriosis situation. In hindsight, I kind of wished we tried then. However, I do believe things always work out for a reason and I’m glad we had time to just be without kids for our relationship so far. 

I lived my life focusing on my career and spending WAY too much time on it when I should have been focusing on finding answers! But I continued to eat not so well and ate even more takeout than I used to while living on my own and with my parents. Before I met Chris I would have takeout and fast food maybe 2-3 times a week. After meeting him this doubled. 

2012 was the beginning of our relationship, and I conformed to Chris’s way of eating quickly because I love food. He took me to all the local restaurant spots where my family never liked to eat! I induced in a lot of cheese and desserts with no restrictions because he never made me feel bad about my food choices. I loved every minute of enjoying all the bad food, but I  also gained a lot of weight eating this way. 

I continued my birth control and I was on many more medications through these years because more things started to develop. I was getting migraines, acid reflux, anxiety, and more! I’ll post more about separate conditions and symptoms in The My Story Series on my YouTube Channel so be sure to subscribe to get notifications about when the next episode is out. 

2019 Off Birth Control & a Little on Fertility

So I was working in Chester at a Charter school and I decided to go off birth control after speaking with a coworker. The conversation was around feeling ready. I don’t think anyone really feels ready to have kids! I knew I wanted them. And I didn’t know what my future held, but I figured why not start now. I only did this with her encouragement. 

This was in June 2019 I decided to go off birth control. 

After going off birth control I had a lot of different pains and feelings in my body. There were spasms I never felt before. These spasms made me feel like I might be pregnant but I never was. I know from MM info what it was now, but stay tuned for the post next week to find out!

My periods were VERY painful. I had to call out of work a few times on day 1 of my cycle because I was in so much pain I couldn’t even stand! I would spend those days in a warm tub trying to get relief, but it didn’t come.

I would always take like 6-8 Advil during my period, and even with this dosage, the pains were unbearable at times. Endometriosis is no joke. 

Then came the pains with using the restroom. If I was in the midst of menstruating and had to go number 2 I felt like my entire insides were falling out. It is hard to describe the pain but it didn’t feel good at all. 

So month after month passed, I felt more terrible than I ever had before, and we weren’t getting pregnant. I decided to go to the fertility doctor in January 2020, but then we took a break when Covid hit. I found MM during Covid! 

My headaches got worse, and so did other symptoms. I will get into my fertility journey and other symptoms later in this series! Look at the first post in the My Story Series to see the sequence of postings planned.

2020 Finding Medical Medium

Anthony William the Medical Medium You can click the image to go to his website.

In July of 2020, I found the Medical Medium, Antony William. He talks about the true cause of mystery symptoms and diseases and how to heal them. 

Implementing his protocols has made my periods manageable and it also made my cycle last only 3 days as well! My first 1-2 days are still heavy flows, but nothing like what I dealt with in middle school.

I still have pain sometimes when I use the restroom, but for the most part, this has also improved. I also still have really bad cramps on the first day of my cycle, but the other days are usually more bearable. I noticed that if I drink alcohol or eat processed meats this pain ramps up. 

Cleaning up my diet and detoxing has put me in touch with what my body needs and wants. I know that certain foods trigger symptoms and why this happens after reading all the MM info. I still struggle with this at times because when detoxing, you experience detox symptoms. 

The symptoms are not directly caused by the healing foods. The healing foods provide the body with what it needs to start cleaning out the garbage which causes the pain. As the viruses and bacteria die, they ramp up one last time to try and get what they need. Also, their dead bodies are toxins that can cause pain as well. 

For example, if strep bacteria is about to die, it will send signals to eat more dairy! Strep loves dairy. It’s not you craving the diary, it’s the strep! (That’s what I keep telling myself!)

Sometimes I have intense symptoms and I back off my healing a bit by eating some fat or something else to stop the process. Do what you can and have compassion for yourself as you are on this journey! If it is very painful, take some of the protocols away so you can ease into detoxing more gently!

I am still working on healing, but I want the world to know that it is possible to heal with food, supplements, and herbs! I also still see my doctor and take Advil during my cycle. I’m hoping one day I won’t even need to take Advil! But I’m still working on it:)

The post My Endometriosis appeared first on Buzzy Bee Esther.

The True Cause of Tumors and Cysts https://buzzybeeesther.com/my-healing-story/the-true-cause-of-tumors-and-cysts/ Thu, 20 Jul 2023 23:19:25 +0000 https://buzzybeeesther.com/?p=1741 Hey Everyone and welcome back to another post of Buzzy Bee Esther. If you are new here, you will find videos about the honest truth about living the Medical Medium Lifestyle. I post recipes, information, and my story on this channel in hopes you will try it out yourself!  In…

The post The True Cause of Tumors and Cysts appeared first on Buzzy Bee Esther.

Hey Everyone and welcome back to another post of Buzzy Bee Esther. If you are new here, you will find videos about the honest truth about living the Medical Medium Lifestyle. I post recipes, information, and my story on this channel in hopes you will try it out yourself! 

In this post you will find out what Medical Medium says is the true cause for these tumors. First, I’ll start with a reminder about my background. Then, I will explain the true cause of tumors and cysts, how we get all these things inside of us, a note on heavy metals, and what MM says about drugs and heavy metals.

If you’d rather watch this content compared to reading please watch the video here!

A Little Reminder of My Background

So remember I told you my biological parents had mental illness and were most likely on a pharmaceutical cocktail before having me? Well, this is why that is important. 

Heavy metals and other toxins play a part in tumors and also there is a final note on heavy metals and drug use that people should heed this warning! Don’t end up like my biological parents!

Cleanse to Heal 

True Cause

In this section, I’d like to talk about the true cause of tumors and cysts. Honestly, I don’t think I can say it better so I’m just going to quote p 548 of Cleanse to Heal:

“True cause: Non-cancerous strains of viruses in the herpes family (including Epstein-Barr virus and HHV-6) feeding on toxic heavy metals and other toxins such as pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, plastics, and other petrochemical by-products, air fresheners, scented candles, perfumes, and colognes. 

When these particular viral strains feed on these aggressive toxins, they release toxic material through elimination that is very sticky and jelly-like. The waste byproduct clings to and suffocates adjacent living cells, keeping the cells from the critical life support provided by oxygen and nutrients, which causes them to denature, weaken, and kie – all while the sticky byproduct blocks the dead cells from entering the bloodstream so the body can detoxify them. 

Eventually, scar tissue forms around the damaged and dead cells, and that’s the beginning of a benign cyst or tumor. The virus will stay alive inside of the cyst or tumor, and blood vessels will even form out of the growth to bring in more oxygen, nutrients, and other fuel to feed the virus in its core. This allows the virus to continue its cycle of producing more toxic materials, which allows the cyst or tumor to grow until the virus is addressed. 

A high-fat/high-protein diet can accelerate the growth of cysts and tumors.

Also be cautious of troublemaker foods such as eggs, as tumors and cysts feed on eggs, which allows tumors and cysts to grow.”

MM also lists many supplements that will help with this condition. With the supplements, he has an entire chapter about what to do with them. The list is overwhelming to look at in the beginning, but when you get down to it and see all the repeats with all the conditions you may be experiencing there are a few that you should do just for general health!

Those are:

  • Celery Juice; work up to 32 oz. a day and even 64 oz. a day!
  • Micro C
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin B12
  • Raw Honey
  • Lemon Balm
  • Hibiscus
  • Melatonin
  • Barley Grass Juice Powder
  • Spirulina
  • Wild Blueberries

There are probably more as I read the list I want to list them all because I think these are also integral but may not apply to some conditions:

  • Curcumin (turmeric)
  • Ashwagandha
  • Nascent iodine
  • Nettle leaf
  • Raspberry leaf
  • Vitamin D3
  • Schisandra berry
  • Alma berry
  • Burdock root
  • Chaga mushroom
  • CoQ10 (this one is a little pricy)

In the book, he also lists dosages that could help. But remember, if you are doing a cleanse you can still do supplements, you can half the supplements, or you can completely take out the supplements during a cleanse. It is your choice! The more you do, the more detox symptoms you may have so be easy on yourself and have compassion for your body and its healing process!

How We Get Troublemakers In Us

Remember I said the true cause of a benign tumor or cysts is a virus from the herpes family that feeds on toxins and heavy metals. Their waste kills cells and scar tissue forms creating a cyst.

So you might be thinking that you probably don’t have toxins and viruses in you because your body cleans it out right? That’s what I thought too, but MM explains in his chapter, “A Wake-Up Call to What’s Inside Us”, that we do in fact have many troublemakers in us and we are literally bombarded with them in our everyday life! 

The troublemakers include toxins, poisons, and pathogens. They are called troublemakers because they make trouble for our bodies and therefore our lives. The evidence that they exist? Symptoms and conditions. It is not normal to have aches and pains and ailments constantly. Modern society has made it normal, but it is not and we can heal! 

In these 20+ pages, MM explains what the troublemakers are, how they get in us, and why they are causing problems in detail! I’m going to highlight some things below. I encourage you to read his books to get all the information because it is a lot. If you don’t like to read, get the audiobooks!

In general, these chemicals and toxins are everywhere. They are in the food we eat with sprays of conventional produce and chemicals given to animals we eat. They are in the air with all the pollution. They are on our clothes and in our homes with perfumes and scented products. We clean with them, we inhale them, we use them for beauty products! 

We contract viruses by touching an infected door handle in a public place. We can get them through our food that is undercooked or old food that has gone bad. We can get them from the toilet having something in it and splashing us.

We can also contract airborne viruses and bacteria by Inhaling vaporized particles in the air that might have a pathogen in them. The Pandemic at least taught a lot of people how these tiny microorganisms are spread in this way just like the common cold. Although it shouldn’t be common! Again, modern-day life has made it normal to be sick.

This is not normal. If we strengthen our immune system we will not get so sick all the time! Our bodies are made to fight off invaders, but we can’t do that if our systems are maxed out because we are eating junk.

Here is more information on just a couple of the antagonizers I mentioned above. For the full list, please refer to this chapter in the MM Cleanse to Heal book.


Mercury’s presence in the body can create many neurological symptoms including bipolar, schizophrenia, ADHD, and autism to name a few. When Epstein Barr virus is present with mercury deposits, then the chemical byproduct neurotoxin which is a poison made from a poison! This can exacerbate existing problems or cause them!

Mercury gets in us by: 

  • Our water is unfiltered especially when eating at a restaurant
  • Mercury fillings at the dentist or removal of those fillings
  • Broken bulbs that used mercury and we could have inhaled bits of it when it was broken
  • The automobile industry uses mercury in the manufacturing
  • Batteries that could reside on the outside when we touch it
  • Vaporized mercury can rain down on us from jet fuel
  • Inheritance. We can’t get rid of it unless we do certain cleanses like the Heavy Metal Detox Cleanse outlined in my Heavy Metal Detox Series.

Scented items 

Scented items include perfume, cologne, air fresheners, scented candles, aftershave, and laundry detergent. These things are chemical poisons that wreak havoc on the body and immune system. 

We get them in us just walking in a crowd and sniffing someone’s perfume or cologne or anything mentioned above! MM says we would be better off smoking than sniffing an air-fresher plug-in all day! That is how bad they are for us.


Fungicides are applied to many things such as clothing, money, cardboard boxes, water bottles, furniture, and more. They are applied to prevent mold from forming. However, they do the opposite and end up creating fungicide-resistant mold which is way more terrible than regular mold! 

MM says that fungicides are some of the worst things we are exposed to because they contain a lot of copper which is the primary toxic heavy metal responsible for eczema and psoriasis. He also mentions that we can smell these poisons and chemicals because they have a perfume smell. When we start cleansing and cleaning things up we will notice this more. I know I have!

Heavy Metals Note

I have a heavy metal series on my YouTube all about how they get in us and everything. Pills is one of the ways just FYI which is why I know I had a lot of this problem with my parent history. Check out that series here

Also, if you liked the little snippets of those things mentioned above, please let me know. Maybe I’ll make a separate post on specific troublemakers, what they do, and how they get in us!

What Medical Medium Says About Psychedelic Drugs and Heavy Metals

Medical Medium warns people who are chronically ill and might have heavy metals in the brain and an overburdened liver need to stay away from psychedelics and ayahuasca. If you have never heard of ayahuasca, it is a plant medicine in Costa Rica that people use to have spiritual awakenings. 

The problem with these medicines and drugs is that if someone is already dealing with a heavy metal problem or something else, this can be very detrimental to their well-being. 

Ayahuasca basically kills the brain which is why the experiences are so intense. If you are already dealing with a viral load and toxic problem that your liver is having a hard time controlling and you do this you could cause the poison to get more into the brain. This process of overheating and bringing toxins to the brain may make new metals in various places or move metals around causing other mental problems.

Your brain will always try to cool itself, but if there is a medicine or drug impeding its ability to do so and your reserves are already low because none of us eat enough Clean Critical Carbohydrates, then they could create alloys and settle in different parts of the brain causing more problems.

Basically, don’t do it! You may be fine doing these drugs once or twice, but your liver may not be able to handle it another time; or even the first time. MM has a story posted on his site of someone who did it three times and the third time experiencing extreme PTSD afterward. The link will be in more resources below.

Ending Quote p17 of CLEANSE TO HEAL


You just found something different. You found an escape hatch. And you found it for a reason. Maybe it’s for you. Maybe it’s for someone else in your life too. Maybe it’s for health trouble you’re dealing with now. Maybe it’s to head off trouble that would otherwise be headed your way.

This book that you’ve brought into your life is timeless. The ultimate resource for getting your health back, it stands apart from the noise because its information comes from above-it comes from God. Bigger than any of us, it is meant to be a resource for the ages, one that anyone can turn back to whenever they or a loved one is in need.

You don’t have to hide anymore. I believe in you and all that you’re going through, all that you’re struggling with. I understand if you’re battling symptoms that are confusing and feel like they’re holding you back, getting in the way of expressing yourself or becoming your true self. You’re accomplishing more than you know through the process of struggling with your symptoms or illness-and there are answers about why we get sick. They do exist. You don’t have to be without the knowledge of how to heal anymore.

Be proud of using your free will to make your own choice to work on your healing.

Have compassion for yourself and know that your suffering is not your fault. Your struggles are not your fault. You’re accomplishing great things every single hour and day as you work on your healing process with the powerful tools in this book. I believe you can heal.

More Resources

Here is another video you might like!

The post The True Cause of Tumors and Cysts appeared first on Buzzy Bee Esther.

My Health Problems Started at Birth! https://buzzybeeesther.com/uncategorized/my-health-problems-started-at-birth/ Thu, 20 Jul 2023 16:41:09 +0000 https://buzzybeeesther.com/?p=1732 In this posting, I’d like to discuss my benign tumor in my wrist and 4 surgeries I had throughout my school-age career. I also want to start by telling you a bit about my background. Here is a video if you prefer to watch and listen rather than read:) A…

The post My Health Problems Started at Birth! appeared first on Buzzy Bee Esther.

In this posting, I’d like to discuss my benign tumor in my wrist and 4 surgeries I had throughout my school-age career. I also want to start by telling you a bit about my background.

Here is a video if you prefer to watch and listen rather than read:)

A Little Bit About My Background

I was adopted by my cousin! 

Yes, you read that right. I was adopted at 18 months old so I didn’t really know my biological parents at all. When I speak of my mom and dad in general I’m speaking of my adopted parents because that’s my mom and dad!

My biological father was 1 or 8 and he was on the younger side of these siblings. My biological aunt Mary was the oldest of these 8, and her son, Steve adopted me with his wife Tina. So my biological aunt has been my grandmother all my life!

I absolutely love my family and have no issues talking about these things:) I always tell people my story who want to listen and they are always amazed about this fact.

Mental Illness

My biological parents had mental illnesses that prevented them from being fit parents. They actually met in the hospital and lived on government funds most of their lives despite being very smart. 

My biological father went to Williamson Trade School and my biological mother went to Penn State Main Campus! They were both very bright, but they both got into drugs. I don’t know what kind of drugs, but most likely LSD. I was told this is what made them become mentally ill.

Most likely my mother was taking psychoactive drugs during pregnancy because my biological mother and biological father met in the hospital when getting treated for their sickness. The way mental illness is currently treated in hospitals is through a lot of drugs, therapy, and sometimes a hospital stay if there is an episode. Doctors will prescribe so many different things to try and balance out the brain hormones.

If you are dealing with mental illness, these drugs can help calm you down from an “episode”. But I think the long-term goal of these treatments should be to have people off the drugs. Many people stop taking drugs because they make them feel horrible due to side effects and other factors. Part of the problem is that mental illness is just not that well known of what the true causes are which is why treatment is not so great. 

Treatment of the mentally ill used to be a lot worse as well even just 60 years ago with all the insane asylums and things of that nature so that just goes to show you how much we know about mental illness.

My point in telling you this is that I most likely inherited heavy metals and toxins from all the drugs they were taking as well as what was already present causing the mental illness.

When I was younger I wasn’t told all of these details about my biological parents. My mother and father wanted to protect me from this information because it isn’t easy to hear! I didn’t know I was adopted until I was 8 years old. Each year my parents would tell me more about how I fell in the family tree and why my biological parents couldn’t take care of me.

I love my mommy and daddy so much for protecting me from the info when I was young. I would have definitely overthought everything and worried about developing these things. So thanks, Mom and Dad:)

This is the closest thing I remember my wrist looking like. It was much larger than this though.

The Benign Tumor

So all of that was to prepare you for my troubles at birth. When I was a baby my mother (remember my adopted mother) found a bump on my left wrist. My mother and father searched for the best wrist surgeons in the area and brought me to the very best. They did all the scans and tests and determined it was a benign tumor.

They waited until I was about 5 or 6 to do the first surgery. 

I remember waiting for hours in the waiting room because this doctor was the best of the best. His name is Dr. Osterman and I absolutely loved him. His bedside manner was very good and he always made me laugh. In fact, he showed me off to the entire office after my first surgery because I was doing handstands! 

My dad always made the time pass well when waiting for these visits as well with cards and he always made me laugh. These are fond memories with my parents, but the surgeries, not so much. 

I remember one day going into the office and Dr. Osterman said that tomorrow was going to be the day for surgery. I was so scared. I’ve never had surgery and I knew that they were going to cut into me. I didn’t know what exactly for, but I knew it was serious. 

So I went to CHOP really early one morning and they gave me some kind of medicine and I don’t remember what happened after that. Apparently, I walked into a wall! Whatever they gave me completely blacked out my memory! 

They removed a piece of the bone on the outside of the wrist where the little bump is. If they didn’t remove this tumor, I would have limited mobility in my wrist as I grew. So they had to take it out.

When I woke up I was VERY nauseous and I had all kinds of cords in me. I think I had to stay in the hospital for at least a week or two and I remember my parents with me all the time. I commend them for everything they did for that because Chris was sick a few years ago, and I hated staying in the hospital a couple of nights! 

Anyway, I threw up a lot with the meds they were giving me. I also couldn’t pass bowls so they had to give me a suppository which was VERY painful. I never had this before. I also remember walking around the hospital a couple of days into my stay and like going to this play room and feeling so sorry for the kids in there because they seemed worse off than me.

I went home after a few days and it was a couple of months before I felt better. I had several follow-up visits, and one of the follow-up visits required a cast removal. That was scary because they took a saw to the hard cast. I was so impressed he didn’t get my arm sawing that thing off. 

Then, they had to remove these two pins.

I was so scared. One came out just fine, but the other was stuck somewhere in the tissue and I screamed when they took that thing out. It hurt a lot.

I always cheered when I was younger and I was able to do handstands in the PeeWee competition team on the Keystone Cheerleading Team. When I did one of the follow-up visits with Dr. Osterman, he told all the nurses to see my handstand after his surgery!  I also lost feeling in my thumb and that was weird. 

I had one straight long scar, a zigzag scar, and two pin holes from this first surgery.

I remember people signing my cast when I had them! This isn’t my actual cast.

Broke it Twice

So a few years go by and I end up breaking my arm when I was running outside and fell on it. It was during the summertime. I was in a lot of pain on the way to the hospital and to set it, they gave me NOTHING! I SCREAMED!

That was a horrible experience.

Then I saw Dr. Osterman again and he determined I needed surgery to get plates and screws in the bone because it broke so badly. The arm breaks more easily because a piece of the bone is missing. 

For this surgery, I was awake when they gave me the anesthesia and I HATED it. I kept moving my head around because it smelled so bad. Eventually, they got me to sleep and when I woke up I was in a lot of pain and was very nauseous. 

I think I was in the hospital for a shorter stay this time. Having the cast in the summer sucked because it was so hot and I couldn’t really enjoy the pool.

My straight long scar was longer.

A couple of years later around 9 years old I was skating one night and fell. Broke my arm again. I was skating at dusk and my parents told us to be home by dark. I was so scared they would be mad at me because I was still out! 

When they got back they were more concerned than mad. At the hospital, they set my arm after they put me to sleep this time! I remember the last time and how much it hurt so I was fighting the medicine they put in my arm so they knew I was really asleep! 

For some reason, redheads metabolize anesthesia faster so that’s a thing. I actually woke up during surgery one time, but that’s a story for another day.

So for this surgery, my long straight scar was longer and wider after it healed. It kept getting wider as I grew.

Not my actual doctor.

The last surgery

In high school, my left arm started getting pain. I got it checked out by Dr. Osterman, and he mentioned that we would want to do elective surgery to get the plates and screws out of the arm so we could strengthen the bone. Elective surgery meant that I could decide whether or not to have it.

I hated surgery; so I kept putting it off. 

Then, a few years later, the thumb started sticking up when I would move it in a certain way. I was also still experiencing pain every once in a while. It turns out, my bone was growing in a way that the tendons were kind of getting stuck around them.

The fix.

Another surgery.

For this one, he wanted to shave down the bone and take out the plates and screws. I was a senior in high school for this one and the tools for anesthesia advanced quite a bit at this point. They did a localized anesthetic where they just put some anesthesia with needles in the arm to numb the area. 

They gave me some kind of sedative to calm me down before rolling me into surgery. They told me they could knock me out at any time and to just say the word. I was always very anxious before surgery. I was also very nervous about feeling sick afterward. This localized thing was the answer to the nausea. 

I was still awake when they started surgery and I could hear Dr. Osterman sawing away at the bone. I couldn’t feel anything though. A part of me was thinking it would be cool if they put the curtain so I could see. I knew at that point that I wanted to be put down instead because that was a crazy idea! I hated blood and all that.

So I gave the anesthesiologist the look and he put something in my IV and I was out.

When I woke up I was feeling SO GOOD! I wasn’t nauseous and I couldn’t feel a thing in my arm at all. They gave me some crackers and told me to take some Percocets for when the numbing agent wore off. 

The crazy thing is, the numbing started wearing off before I even left the hospital. So I made sure to take the meds even though I knew they would make me feel sick. 

I was in the worst pain of my life when I got home. They didn’t keep me in the hospital this time at all. I left within a few hours. But I wish they did because I was in SO MUCH PAIN. After the medicine wore off I could FEEL EVERYTHING! 

I cried on the couch a lot that day and I remember my mom was busy with something so she wasn’t there and I couldn’t even really get up well, but my cousin who was there helped me with my pillows and stuff. I couldn’t even move and I just cried a lot. The medicine wasn’t helping.

When my mom came home she called the doctor and got me more medicine to help, and it did. 

This surgery happened right at the end of high school and I remember being on these painkillers through graduation.  I went up to kids I would have never had the guts to go up to sign my yearbook! I always remember that!

The post My Health Problems Started at Birth! appeared first on Buzzy Bee Esther.

My Story Series Introduction https://buzzybeeesther.com/my-healing-story/my-story-series-introduction/ Thu, 20 Jul 2023 02:50:33 +0000 https://buzzybeeesther.com/?p=1729 I wanted to announce that I’m starting a new series about my story!    I just finished my “Morning Routine Series” on YouTube and my blog. It took me all school year and some of the summer to finish! I took a break on this while coaching cheer and step…

The post My Story Series Introduction appeared first on Buzzy Bee Esther.

I wanted to announce that I’m starting a new series about my story! 


I just finished my “Morning Routine Series” on YouTube and my blog. It took me all school year and some of the summer to finish! I took a break on this while coaching cheer and step so it took me a bit longer as I wasn’t posting weekly.


I think the next logical step in this journey is to start telling you more about me as a testimony to how this works and an example of “the proof is in the pudding”. 


People don’t come to Medical Medium if they are somewhat healthy. My goal in starting this channel was to target the “not so sick” audience. You don’t have to get extremely sick and on mattress island to heal! 


I would also like to target the chronically ill of course because most of us are chronically ill even though we don’t know it. Society has made it normal to have aches and pains. But guess what, it’s not normal or healthy. We are having aches and pains because our bodies are fighting viruses!


Anyway, in this post I want to discuss how I found MM, my story summary, and what I’ll cover in the “My Story Series” for over 30 videos.


PS This is a very vulnerable topic for me so that is why it took me so long to start talking about it more! I’m just going to lay it all out there in the hopes that you can find similarities and want to give his protocols a try!

Finding Medical Medium

I found Medical Medium in my search looking for a fruit cleanse or a Whole Foods cleanse because I’ve heard of people doing the 28-day vegan challenge but being vegan just didn’t (and still doesn’t) sound appealing to me at all. 

Doing a cleanse for a week or two was more doable for me. Upon my search, I kept seeing the  28 or 30-day vegan Challenge but I couldn’t find any cleanses. The whole vegan thing sounded terrible to me! 

Finally, I came across a video of Anthony William Medical Medium talking about his new book “Cleanse to Heal”.

He initially started talking about how he was a medium and spoke with the Spirit Of Compassion to give his information. He stated clearly that he was not a doctor or medical professional. He then told his story about how he heard a voice in his ear clearly when he was four years old telling him his grandmother had cancer. 

Ever since then Spirit Of Compassion has been teaching him what is wrong with people and how to heal them. Of course, listening to this I was skeptical at first and I looked up his book but did not buy it on Amazon. I gave up my search after about an hour of finding nothing.

When I first found Medical Medium on YouTube, I kind of wrote him off because he said he was a medium talking about health and how his books had no citations in them. I don’t always trust people on YouTube because anyone can post on there and his setup seemed very nonprofessional at the time. 

Also, you know, “Science”. I was always a fan of science and trusted my doctors without question. They have done many great things for me in the past which I will review in the My Story Series!

Additionally, the idea of having an entire huge book about health, without citations, just didn’t seem legit to me! I had no idea who he was and that he was the man behind all these health movements we see out there as far as eating organically and things of that nature! At least I think he was behind it.

He has counseled many stars on health and of course if people have money they demand to have certain things like organic produce. 

Back to the story, later that week I went to BJ’s with my mom. I saw his book, “Cleanse to Heal” sitting on the book stand with all the other recipe books. 

I picked it up!

I cracked it open!

Then I saw all the beautiful SIMPLE recipes. 

What got me the most was the simplicity of the recipes! I would have never thought to make a smoothie with just banana, cherry, and some water! Anytime I tried to make a health thing I always had to add some obscure ingredient like hemp seeds or something I never heard of!

THIS was simple. THIS was something I could do! 

I started reading the back of the book which contained information about the true reasons why people are experiencing symptoms and conditions. And I immediately was hooked. It made a lot of sense to me, and it was something I NEVER heard of before!

I started reading the rest of the book and the different cleanse options. I just had to read the entire thing from cover to cover because it was that profound! When I re-read things in there it’s like I’m learning it all over again because there is so much information. 

His information works! 

Try it! You might just feel better!

My Story Summary

I was on the standard American diet eating cheese and meat pretty much at every meal in one form or another. My mornings usually started with a protein shake and coffee which I thought was pretty healthy. Then I would have either leftover dinner or salad or take-out for lunch. Most of the time we would have takeout for dinner especially when I was going to grad school and had no time to cook.

I was slowly gaining weight, I had more aches and pains, and I had really bad migraines with this diet. 

After finding his information I’ve lost a lot of weight, but it has gone up and down and right now I’m back up:(  I’ve cured my Gerd and I have gotten rid of my migraines that I used to get at least once a week. 

My migraine pain would shoot through one of my eyes and I would always have sinus pressure from all that. My migraines were so bad that sometimes I would just stay at home instead of going out especially when it was a rainy day because I couldn’t even lift my head. I would always push through this intense pain to go to work but going out is not a priority for me. 

I attribute my success to the way I’m feeling as well as most of my weight loss by following the Medical Medium protocols. I am not perfect with following all the advice and I am hoping to reflect this in my blog and YouTube. 

His information is vast, and I wanted to make smaller videos to explain it quickly. I also wanted to do ASMR to allow people to kind of meditate while watching fruit get cut up and stuff so they could be inspired to try these simple recipes! 

They say repetition is a good teacher so I hope you revisit my videos and his information often to learn it even better!

The Gist of MM Info

When following Medical Medium protocols he tells us to be gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, and basically stop eating processed food because most of it has crap in it that is part of the troublemaker foods list. 

The trouble-maker foods feed pathogens or get in the way of the immune system doing its thing. When people are dealing with chronic illness it’s a good idea to keep out the troublemaker foods so you can heal and get rid of the viruses and bacteria that may be ailing you.

When you get rid of the pathogens, then all the pathogen byproducts and toxins they produce can also be expelled from your system.

You also have to work on detoxing from all the other toxins we are bombarded with on an everyday basis from chemicals to pollution and more. There are so many details and protocols on what kinds of viruses and bacteria could be ailing you with various symptoms and conditions. 

One thing that really stood out to me in his “Brain Saver” books is the fact that he addresses repetition in the symptoms and conditions section of the book. 

The fact of the matter is that these illnesses are simple in the way that they are caused by a handful of different types of viruses and bacteria. What makes the information so complicated is that medicine and science slapped on various names for diseases that show similar symptoms. 

What My Story Series Will Cover in over 30 videos.

My story series will go into detail about the conditions I’ve experienced through my 36 years on Earth and what MM has to say about these things. I have categorized this into three sections. General Symptoms, Infertility, and Cleanses/Chronological Events after finding MM.


General Symptoms

I’m going to start discussing the benign tumor found in my wrist when I was a baby. I came into this world with problems! Thank God I had such amazing parents that took me to one of the best wrist surgeons in the world! 

Then I want to get into endometriosis. I saw a post on Instagram with all these women in such pain from Endo that just brought me to tears! 

I hope you ladies find this information! You CAN HEAL! YOU ARE NOT BROKEN! YOU DIDN’T CAUSE THIS WITH YOUR THOUGHTS!

Next Acne. Cystic, blackheads, whiteheads. I had it all.

Then I want to discuss pain and numbness in my right shoulder blade area.



Mental Illness including anxiety

Other symptoms include GERD, migraines, and other aches and pains in the joints.


Cyst on the ovary and infertility beginnings of the journey.

Taking a break when the CoVid Pandemic hit, finding MM, and spiritual exploration.

Going back to the fertility clinic and contemplating it for a while in hopes MM would just fix everything. Finding two cysts now on my ovary…heartbreaking

Cleanses and My Journey with MM Info In Sequence

I started with an original 3,6,9 Liver cleanse and failed with many of the details at first!

Taking out the no foods.

Addictions and struggles.

Potato Mono Cleanse and ear infection.

Summer Struggle Bus (already posted in my morning routine series!)

Finding balance and not stressing because I’m not doing a cleanse all day.


Back to the fertility clinic – Stress on my relationship and feeling like I’m broken and why wasn’t MM info working for me?!

MM Light Blast

Brain Shot Therapy Cleanses

4 IUIs 

Taking a break and emotionally eating with addictions are BACK ESP with the fertility stuff. I was really good while getting treated because of all the stuff they give me and all of the money I was spending going to the doctor. Wanting to go back in the summer but decided not to because of circumstances out of my control. 

Sumer 2023 starting to slowly get back into it and Joy helping me with this! First week of 6-28-6-29 I’m focused on no dairy again. 

My goals this summer involve getting serious with endo protocols and weight loss. My goal is to lose 60 lbs by December and to get rid of these cysts. 

I’ll be documenting this separately and making videos on this as I continue making these other videos to tell my back story! I’ll probably make shorts on my progress so LMK if you are interested in seeing this! That might motivate me more too!

The post My Story Series Introduction appeared first on Buzzy Bee Esther.

Supplements How I started, Added, and Timing https://buzzybeeesther.com/detox-cleanses/supplements-how-i-started-added-and-timing/ Tue, 11 Jul 2023 21:44:39 +0000 https://buzzybeeesther.com/?p=1497 Supplements have been an important part of my healing journey. Continue reading to find out how I started with supplements, what I take, and how I decided to add things in as time went on in my healing journey. At the end, you will also see why I take these…

The post Supplements How I started, Added, and Timing appeared first on Buzzy Bee Esther.

Supplements have been an important part of my healing journey. Continue reading to find out how I started with supplements, what I take, and how I decided to add things in as time went on in my healing journey. At the end, you will also see why I take these supplements with a little information about what each one does for our bodies and livers.

Here is a video telling you about this content if you prefer to listen rather than read.


How I picked my supplements

The first book I read for the Medical Medium was “Cleanse to Heal”. In this book, he goes into depth about what supplements work well for many different conditions. I went through the condition list and made a list of the things I was experiencing. I read the true cause and saw that the supplements were repeated in many of the conditions.

I decided to look at my most prominent conditions for fertility which were endometriosis and ovarian cysts. I also made a list of supplements and foods to work with from his endometriosis podcast in the radio show archive episodes and from the Cleanse to Heal suggestions. 

After reading the supplement section on how to take supplements and what to do with supplements while doing one of the cleanses, I decided to start supplements after my first 369 cleanse.

I actually found the Medical Medium by searching up fruit cleanses on YouTube and he came up talking about his book, Cleanse to Heal.

I started with the 369 cleanse originally and it called for drinking the HMDS most days. Therefore I invested in getting the Spirulina, Atlantic Dulse, and Barley Grass Juice Powder first. 

I didn’t realize that it needed to be the JUICE powder at first and I was putting barley grass powder in my HMDS at first. The JUICE powder was so much more expensive which is why I got the other one not realizing it was the wrong one until I heard him say on a live that the details matter.

Then I started official supplementation with zinc, vitamin C, cat’s claw, and lemon balm. I wouldn’t take the entire dosage recommended because sometimes it would make me feel nauseous.

Supplements while Cleansing & Dosages 

In “Cleanse to Heal” in the “What You Need To Know About Supplements” chapter, MM mentions that you don’t have to work on supplements while you cleanse or you can if you want to as well. So basically it is up to you! He also mentions that supplements have more power when you are on a cleanse because usually cleanses entail staying fat-free. When we are fat-free, the nutrients absorb better.

He also suggests ½ the doses listed if you are on a cleanse as well. So basically it’s up to you! Supplements are a great support to the cleanses, but are not necessary to cleanse when on an MM cleanse.

I don’t take the full dose recommendations from Cleanse to Heal because the supplements can be pretty pricey.  I am constantly doing the morning liver rescue cleanse which helps the body cleanse as well as the supplements. 

I usually half the amount or take 1-2 of each thing. The supplements last me quite a bit doing things this way.

In the section about what cleanse to do and how to take supplements, it says to try supplements listed for one thing at a time and you’ll notice other things healing as you focus on that one thing. This definitely happened to me as I was trying to heal my reproductive issues, my migraines and acid reflux went away! I wasn’t even working on that!

A Note on Vimergy Brand

I highly recommend the Vimergy Brand when looking for supplements. I noticed improvements more quickly when switching over to this brand. 

I didn’t have any Vimergy supplements at first because MM didn’t start endorsing them until I was a few months into trying these things out. I did look at his supplement list suggestions on his website because he has found the cleanest ones that are alcohol-free. Pure is another company I see on this list a lot.

Switching to Vimergy from the other brands I was using I saw a noticeable difference! The Vimergy lemon balm was much more potent so I didn’t need as many dropperfuls as was suggested in the cleans to heal supplements suggestions. 

The GoldenSeal was also visibly changing the quality of my skin as well. My breakouts would calm down immediately when I made the switch.

Medical Medium also endorses Vimergy as well because he says they are working for the light. They use the most pure ingredients and they do extensive tests to make sure they are pure. They use quality ingredients with high potencies which makes them more effective. 

They also are making these supplements very affordable and not adding any nasty things to them such as alcohol or other fillers. Vimergy does not add any of that stuff; it is pure.

You can find more information right from the source in this live listen in the resource section at the bottom of this article. 

How I added gradually 

The zinc and lemon balm would make me feel sick because it wasn’t the Vimergy brand and I think I was trying to do too many things at once to heal. If you add too many healing protocols at once, you could feel the detoxing effect very intensely. It is OK to go slow!

Nausea can also happen because it is a reaction of the viruses on the nerves when you are trying to heal or if they are dying so I think it could have also been some of this as well causing my nausea. But the point of this is to go slow with supplements and try some then continue adding as you heal!

It is completely OK to just focus on healing foods at first as well.

I slowly added more to this list as I continued my journey. I only take 1-2 of each though because it can get pricey. So if you are worried about the money for this, just focus on healing foods first. I do recommend at least trying to get the spirulina, barley grass juice powder, Atlantic dulse, MicroC, and Zinc to start!

Sometimes I go without a supplement for a bit because I’m worried about budget and things. But in general, I try to take them every morning. 


I used to take all my supplements at night for about 2 years or so because that’s when I usually would take any medication I was on for allergies, birth control, and acid reflux so that was my routine.

Now, I take most of my supplements during the morning but I save the oil-based ones for nighttime to stay fat-free in the morning. I also wanted my supplements to be more easily absorbed and I usually have fat at night so fat does get in the way of vitamin, trace mineral, and glucose absorption. 

What I take

The supplement dosages are listed in Cleanse to Heal and other books for various conditions and symptoms. A dropperful is different from drops so be sure to read these carefully in Cleanse to Heal to see the right dosages. Listed here is what I generally take.

You can’t really overdose on natural herbs and food, but you can feel sick if you haven’t had these things before and the sick feeling is coming from the viruses dying or reacting to being killed or fought off.

At night I take:

  • Oil of oregano – 2 capsules
  • Vitamin D – 5 drops
  • Melatonin – 2-4 capsules. Usually 2. Which is 10 mg.
  • Primrose oil – 1-2 capsules only before ovulation if I take it. I don’t take it every night.

Sometimes I don’t take all of these supplements, and just take the melatonin at night though depending on what I feel like. 

In the morning I take the following tinctures:

  • B12 – 1-2 dropperfuls. I usually take 1.
  • Ashwagandha – 1 dropperful.
  • Licorice Root – 1 dropperful.
  • Nettle Leaf – 1-2 dropperful. Usually 2.
  • Iodine Edge – 8 drops with something else like a blueberry shot or another supplement that tastes good like Nettle.
  • Propolis Pure – 1 dropperful.
  • GoldenSeal – (I take it for two weeks and stop for two weeks) 2-6 dropperfuls. I usually take 2 because I go off and on for this one. When I’m sick though I increase this to 6 because it helps so much!
  • Zinc – 1-6 +. This is another essential for when I’m sick. I’ll do the Zinch Shock Therapy which is 2 dropperfuls every 6 waking hours. I usually take 2 dropperfuls most mornings.
  • Mullein Leaf – 1-3 dropperfuls. Usually 2 dropperfuls. 

In the morning I also take the following pills:

  • Micro C – 2 pills. When I’m sick I’ll take 2 pills every 5 waking hours.
  • Magnesium – 1 pill.
  • CoQ12 – 1 pill.
  • Tumeric – 2 pills.
  • L-lysine – 2 pills.
  • Black Cohosh – 2 pills
  • D-mannose – 2 pills

The Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie also has the following:

  • Spirulina – 1-2 scoops if I’m doing the advanced version of the smoothie
  • Atlantic Dulse – 2 scoops using the scooper from the powders.
  • Barley Grass Juice Powder – 1-2 scoops
  • Alma Berry Powder – 1 scoop

A Note for When I Travel

When I travel, I also take less and just take the essentials. The essentials I usually go for are:

  1. Micro C
  2. Zinc
  3. Lysine
  4. Melatonin at night

Sometimes I’ll take more with me, but these are the ones I try to bring. If I’m going on a plane I will not bring my tinctures unless I check a bag.

Why I Take These Supplements | What do they do?

In general, all the supplements help with the immune system by killing pathogens, blocking pathogens, or disarming them. Some bind onto toxins and heavy metals and remove them. Others just help the immune system function better by helping the white blood cells themselves. 

The details next to what each supplement does are taken from “Liver Rescue” by the Medical Medium Anthony William. Some of the information is from what I remember as well. I’ll Put LR in front of what I take from the book.

At night I take:

  • Oil of Oregano – Helps with Streptococcus and Reproductive Health. It is an overall immune booster. I couldn’t find this in Liver Rescue (LR), but he talks about it on his website and I’ve heard this through my research. On his blog, he says it helps with painful menstruation. It is antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, and antiseptic. Strengthens core organs. Removes poison from the body and detoxes the lymphatic system to name just a few things!
  • Vitamin D3 – Feel good vitamin! This is what is made when we get some sunshine! In LR it says that this vitamin can help ignite the stored Vitamin D from the sun and food that may be inactive due to a stagnant liver. Be careful not to take too much because this can counter the effects. Too much is toxic to the liver, so it has to expel it. 
  • Melatonin – helps me sleep and also helps remove cysts. – This one doesn’t have fat, but I take it at night because it puts me to bed kind of quickly! LR says this vitamin helps reduce tumors and cysts growing in the liver. It can also reignite the capacity for the liver to make its own melatonin again if it stopped due to a sluggish liver. It is also a natural anti-inflammatory that the liver’s immune system can use.
  • Primrose oil – helps with a healthy lining of the uterus. (This is not on the MM website or in the books, but I’ve seen this on other websites and MM has an evening primrose oil recommendation on his Supplements page).


Sometimes I just take the melatonin at night and not the other things listed here depending on what I feel like or if it was a late night.


In the morning I take the following tinctures:

  • B12 – helps with neurological stuff and digestion. LR says to be sure to take it as adenosylcobalamin with methylcobalamin. It also says that B12 is essential in many liver functions including the ability for cells to communicate, protects nerve tissue, helps the liver perform its 2,000 chemical functions, keeps it out of stagnation, strengthens cells and lobules, and prevents the blood vessels from atrophying.
  • Ashwagandha – calms you down. LR says it strengthens the adrenals to work properly, especially when under stress. It also protects the liver from excess adrenaline and it helps the liver produce and store dozens of hormones.
  • Licorice Root – great for the immune system. LR says this vitamin helps with overall digestion because it increases hydrochloric acid in the stomach and soothes an inflamed or irritated gallbladder and intestinal lining. It also decreases viruses inside the liver and brings down excessive liver heat due to a liver that is highly toxic and struggling. It also reduces liver spasms.
  • Nettle Leaf – really good at fighting Streptococcus. LR says it also helps increase hydrochloric acid in the stomach and improves bile production which processes fats. It helps inhibit gallstone growth and supports bile passageways through the liver. It enhances liver cell functions, reduces liver heat from toxins, and gently cleanses old and new toxins and pathogens in the liver while improving the liver’s adaptive abilities.
  • Iodine Edge – Great for Thyroid health. I only take this with a shot of juice or in my tea when I used to take it at night. This is not listed in LR.
  • Propolis Pure – like honey on steroids! It’s supposed to help with intuition and is an overall immune booster. This is not listed in LR.
  • Goldenseal (I take it for two weeks and stop for two weeks) This has helped tremendously with my acne and fighting Strep. I noticed improvement immediately when switching to the Vimergy brand! LR says Goldenseal purges gentle bacterial debris, viral byproducts, neurotoxins, and other pathogenic waste matter from the body including the lymphatic system and liver. It can also quickly suffocate and destroy pathogens.
  • Zinc – Overall immune booster. LR says that Zin needs to be a liquid sulfate. It is responsible for all of the over 2,000 chemical functions of the liver including the creation of the liver in the womb and the growth of it until adulthood. Zinc is not abundant in our food because the chemicals used have made the solid devoid of it in the topsoil where most crops grow. The liver stores a lot of zinc because it is so essential in the functions of the body, but we still need a lot more because we are bombarded with pathogens and stress due to our lifestyles in today’s age. One of the reasons the liver stores the zinc is because it helps purge the liver of copper which can cause organ harm. The presence of copper can cause many autoimmune symptoms and illnesses. 
  • Mullein Leaf – Helps kill Streptococcus. LR says it is an antiviral and antibacterial. It reduces inflammation, clams liver spasms and liver heat, and soothes the liver. It can also expel mucus formation inside the liver’s blood vessels and cells.

In the morning I also take the following pills:

  • Micro C – Vitamin C that is highly absorbable in this form. Overall immune booster. LR says it strengthens the liver’s immune system. It can speed up white blood cell recuperation and recovery in between wars with pathogens. Vitamin C also weakens pathogens and the liver uses Vitamine C in its 2,000+ chemical liver functions. It cleanses and detoxifies the liver and can loosen fat cells. It strengthens the adrenal gland and helps with recovery after stress. It also helps repair scar tissue deep in the liver’s core.
  • Magnesium glycinate – LR says it makes blood vessels less restricted and more supple in order to allow blood flow through the liver. It gently flushes toxins out of the liver at the same time it calms liver spasms and agitation. It’s responsible for dozens of liver chemical functions including adaptation skills. It also gently cleanses the intestinal tract, allowing the liver to receive cleansed, less-toxic blood. 
  • CoQ12 – LR says this is also called Coenzyme Z10. It is a gentle antioxidant that supports all liver functions and protects liver cells from oxidative stress. One of the liver’s chemical functions can alter, adjust and customize specific antioxidants for its specific needs in the moment. CoZ10 is one of the antioxidants it needs to prevent extreme cell damage.
  • Turmeric- LR says it reduces liver swelling when a liver is hot from toxins. It helps squeeze out mucus from bile passageways and other places in the liver while it wakes up and stimulates liver cells. It also reignites and reroutes energy throughout the liver by clearing up all of this. Helps with hormone production inside the liver while removing and cleaning out unwanted toxic hormones. Overall, it increases liver performance.
  • Lysine – acts as a smokescreen in the liver to pathogens so the immune system can attack them! LR says that viruses hate this vitamin. It’s like a powder that comes out of a fire extinguisher in the liver; a viral retardant that deters viruses from proliferating. L-lysine strengthens the immune system in the liver and aids in some of the organ’s most essential functions.
  • Black Cohosh – This one was recommended on the Radio Show Archive Podcast. It’s supposed to help with Endometriosis. Not listed in LR.
  • D-mannose – Helps with endometriosis. LR says this vitamin binds to bacteria in the urinary tract to get rid of it. It helps UTIs a lot. Also, strep, which is a bacteria, can cause spasms in the urinary tract and reproductive system so this helps here as well.

The Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie also has the following:

  • Spirulina – is an algae that helps with heavy metal cleansing. LR says this algae also provides an abundance of vitamins and minerals to reestablish the liver’s storage banks of nutrients that it can easily convert into what it needs in the moment to release and deliver throughout the body. It stops pathogen growth and revitalizes the liver by binding onto toxins and poisons and carrying them out of the liver safely. Helps with the 2000+ liver functions. Aids in liver’s glucose storage and protein conversions. Hawaiian spirulina is no longer recommended due to all the trash in the Pacific Ocean.
  • Atlantic Dulce – It is a seaweed that binds onto pathogens and toxins to take them out of the body. LR doesn’t list this supplement.
  • Barley Grass Juice Powder – Helps with toxic heavy metal removal. LR says it contains phytonutrients that feed an undernourished liver while allowing it to detox pathogens and toxins both inherited and newly exposed. It takes and gives by removing these bad things and replacing their spot with vital nutrients the body needs.
  • Amla Berry Powder – Helps with reproductive health. LR says that it contains a rich wealth of antioxidants that protect the liver from old, inherited toxins as well as from new everyday exposure. It is high in vitamin C which does all the things listed for Vitamin C earlier. It also can help with liver functions and restore liver glucose stores.


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Cleanse to Heal – info about supplementing and cleansing.

Liver Rescue – info about what each of the supplements I take do for our bodies.

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