Tumor Archives - Buzzy Bee Esther https://buzzybeeesther.com/tag/tumor/ Mastering the Medical Medium Lifestyle & More Thu, 20 Jul 2023 23:19:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://buzzybeeesther.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/cropped-favicon-32x32.png Tumor Archives - Buzzy Bee Esther https://buzzybeeesther.com/tag/tumor/ 32 32 The True Cause of Tumors and Cysts https://buzzybeeesther.com/my-healing-story/the-true-cause-of-tumors-and-cysts/ Thu, 20 Jul 2023 23:19:25 +0000 https://buzzybeeesther.com/?p=1741 Hey Everyone and welcome back to another post of Buzzy Bee Esther. If you are new here, you will find videos about the honest truth about living the Medical Medium Lifestyle. I post recipes, information, and my story on this channel in hopes you will try it out yourself!  In…

The post The True Cause of Tumors and Cysts appeared first on Buzzy Bee Esther.

Hey Everyone and welcome back to another post of Buzzy Bee Esther. If you are new here, you will find videos about the honest truth about living the Medical Medium Lifestyle. I post recipes, information, and my story on this channel in hopes you will try it out yourself! 

In this post you will find out what Medical Medium says is the true cause for these tumors. First, I’ll start with a reminder about my background. Then, I will explain the true cause of tumors and cysts, how we get all these things inside of us, a note on heavy metals, and what MM says about drugs and heavy metals.

If you’d rather watch this content compared to reading please watch the video here!

A Little Reminder of My Background

So remember I told you my biological parents had mental illness and were most likely on a pharmaceutical cocktail before having me? Well, this is why that is important. 

Heavy metals and other toxins play a part in tumors and also there is a final note on heavy metals and drug use that people should heed this warning! Don’t end up like my biological parents!

Cleanse to Heal 

True Cause

In this section, I’d like to talk about the true cause of tumors and cysts. Honestly, I don’t think I can say it better so I’m just going to quote p 548 of Cleanse to Heal:

“True cause: Non-cancerous strains of viruses in the herpes family (including Epstein-Barr virus and HHV-6) feeding on toxic heavy metals and other toxins such as pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, plastics, and other petrochemical by-products, air fresheners, scented candles, perfumes, and colognes. 

When these particular viral strains feed on these aggressive toxins, they release toxic material through elimination that is very sticky and jelly-like. The waste byproduct clings to and suffocates adjacent living cells, keeping the cells from the critical life support provided by oxygen and nutrients, which causes them to denature, weaken, and kie – all while the sticky byproduct blocks the dead cells from entering the bloodstream so the body can detoxify them. 

Eventually, scar tissue forms around the damaged and dead cells, and that’s the beginning of a benign cyst or tumor. The virus will stay alive inside of the cyst or tumor, and blood vessels will even form out of the growth to bring in more oxygen, nutrients, and other fuel to feed the virus in its core. This allows the virus to continue its cycle of producing more toxic materials, which allows the cyst or tumor to grow until the virus is addressed. 

A high-fat/high-protein diet can accelerate the growth of cysts and tumors.

Also be cautious of troublemaker foods such as eggs, as tumors and cysts feed on eggs, which allows tumors and cysts to grow.”

MM also lists many supplements that will help with this condition. With the supplements, he has an entire chapter about what to do with them. The list is overwhelming to look at in the beginning, but when you get down to it and see all the repeats with all the conditions you may be experiencing there are a few that you should do just for general health!

Those are:

  • Celery Juice; work up to 32 oz. a day and even 64 oz. a day!
  • Micro C
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin B12
  • Raw Honey
  • Lemon Balm
  • Hibiscus
  • Melatonin
  • Barley Grass Juice Powder
  • Spirulina
  • Wild Blueberries

There are probably more as I read the list I want to list them all because I think these are also integral but may not apply to some conditions:

  • Curcumin (turmeric)
  • Ashwagandha
  • Nascent iodine
  • Nettle leaf
  • Raspberry leaf
  • Vitamin D3
  • Schisandra berry
  • Alma berry
  • Burdock root
  • Chaga mushroom
  • CoQ10 (this one is a little pricy)

In the book, he also lists dosages that could help. But remember, if you are doing a cleanse you can still do supplements, you can half the supplements, or you can completely take out the supplements during a cleanse. It is your choice! The more you do, the more detox symptoms you may have so be easy on yourself and have compassion for your body and its healing process!

How We Get Troublemakers In Us

Remember I said the true cause of a benign tumor or cysts is a virus from the herpes family that feeds on toxins and heavy metals. Their waste kills cells and scar tissue forms creating a cyst.

So you might be thinking that you probably don’t have toxins and viruses in you because your body cleans it out right? That’s what I thought too, but MM explains in his chapter, “A Wake-Up Call to What’s Inside Us”, that we do in fact have many troublemakers in us and we are literally bombarded with them in our everyday life! 

The troublemakers include toxins, poisons, and pathogens. They are called troublemakers because they make trouble for our bodies and therefore our lives. The evidence that they exist? Symptoms and conditions. It is not normal to have aches and pains and ailments constantly. Modern society has made it normal, but it is not and we can heal! 

In these 20+ pages, MM explains what the troublemakers are, how they get in us, and why they are causing problems in detail! I’m going to highlight some things below. I encourage you to read his books to get all the information because it is a lot. If you don’t like to read, get the audiobooks!

In general, these chemicals and toxins are everywhere. They are in the food we eat with sprays of conventional produce and chemicals given to animals we eat. They are in the air with all the pollution. They are on our clothes and in our homes with perfumes and scented products. We clean with them, we inhale them, we use them for beauty products! 

We contract viruses by touching an infected door handle in a public place. We can get them through our food that is undercooked or old food that has gone bad. We can get them from the toilet having something in it and splashing us.

We can also contract airborne viruses and bacteria by Inhaling vaporized particles in the air that might have a pathogen in them. The Pandemic at least taught a lot of people how these tiny microorganisms are spread in this way just like the common cold. Although it shouldn’t be common! Again, modern-day life has made it normal to be sick.

This is not normal. If we strengthen our immune system we will not get so sick all the time! Our bodies are made to fight off invaders, but we can’t do that if our systems are maxed out because we are eating junk.

Here is more information on just a couple of the antagonizers I mentioned above. For the full list, please refer to this chapter in the MM Cleanse to Heal book.


Mercury’s presence in the body can create many neurological symptoms including bipolar, schizophrenia, ADHD, and autism to name a few. When Epstein Barr virus is present with mercury deposits, then the chemical byproduct neurotoxin which is a poison made from a poison! This can exacerbate existing problems or cause them!

Mercury gets in us by: 

  • Our water is unfiltered especially when eating at a restaurant
  • Mercury fillings at the dentist or removal of those fillings
  • Broken bulbs that used mercury and we could have inhaled bits of it when it was broken
  • The automobile industry uses mercury in the manufacturing
  • Batteries that could reside on the outside when we touch it
  • Vaporized mercury can rain down on us from jet fuel
  • Inheritance. We can’t get rid of it unless we do certain cleanses like the Heavy Metal Detox Cleanse outlined in my Heavy Metal Detox Series.

Scented items 

Scented items include perfume, cologne, air fresheners, scented candles, aftershave, and laundry detergent. These things are chemical poisons that wreak havoc on the body and immune system. 

We get them in us just walking in a crowd and sniffing someone’s perfume or cologne or anything mentioned above! MM says we would be better off smoking than sniffing an air-fresher plug-in all day! That is how bad they are for us.


Fungicides are applied to many things such as clothing, money, cardboard boxes, water bottles, furniture, and more. They are applied to prevent mold from forming. However, they do the opposite and end up creating fungicide-resistant mold which is way more terrible than regular mold! 

MM says that fungicides are some of the worst things we are exposed to because they contain a lot of copper which is the primary toxic heavy metal responsible for eczema and psoriasis. He also mentions that we can smell these poisons and chemicals because they have a perfume smell. When we start cleansing and cleaning things up we will notice this more. I know I have!

Heavy Metals Note

I have a heavy metal series on my YouTube all about how they get in us and everything. Pills is one of the ways just FYI which is why I know I had a lot of this problem with my parent history. Check out that series here

Also, if you liked the little snippets of those things mentioned above, please let me know. Maybe I’ll make a separate post on specific troublemakers, what they do, and how they get in us!

What Medical Medium Says About Psychedelic Drugs and Heavy Metals

Medical Medium warns people who are chronically ill and might have heavy metals in the brain and an overburdened liver need to stay away from psychedelics and ayahuasca. If you have never heard of ayahuasca, it is a plant medicine in Costa Rica that people use to have spiritual awakenings. 

The problem with these medicines and drugs is that if someone is already dealing with a heavy metal problem or something else, this can be very detrimental to their well-being. 

Ayahuasca basically kills the brain which is why the experiences are so intense. If you are already dealing with a viral load and toxic problem that your liver is having a hard time controlling and you do this you could cause the poison to get more into the brain. This process of overheating and bringing toxins to the brain may make new metals in various places or move metals around causing other mental problems.

Your brain will always try to cool itself, but if there is a medicine or drug impeding its ability to do so and your reserves are already low because none of us eat enough Clean Critical Carbohydrates, then they could create alloys and settle in different parts of the brain causing more problems.

Basically, don’t do it! You may be fine doing these drugs once or twice, but your liver may not be able to handle it another time; or even the first time. MM has a story posted on his site of someone who did it three times and the third time experiencing extreme PTSD afterward. The link will be in more resources below.

Ending Quote p17 of CLEANSE TO HEAL


You just found something different. You found an escape hatch. And you found it for a reason. Maybe it’s for you. Maybe it’s for someone else in your life too. Maybe it’s for health trouble you’re dealing with now. Maybe it’s to head off trouble that would otherwise be headed your way.

This book that you’ve brought into your life is timeless. The ultimate resource for getting your health back, it stands apart from the noise because its information comes from above-it comes from God. Bigger than any of us, it is meant to be a resource for the ages, one that anyone can turn back to whenever they or a loved one is in need.

You don’t have to hide anymore. I believe in you and all that you’re going through, all that you’re struggling with. I understand if you’re battling symptoms that are confusing and feel like they’re holding you back, getting in the way of expressing yourself or becoming your true self. You’re accomplishing more than you know through the process of struggling with your symptoms or illness-and there are answers about why we get sick. They do exist. You don’t have to be without the knowledge of how to heal anymore.

Be proud of using your free will to make your own choice to work on your healing.

Have compassion for yourself and know that your suffering is not your fault. Your struggles are not your fault. You’re accomplishing great things every single hour and day as you work on your healing process with the powerful tools in this book. I believe you can heal.

More Resources

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The post The True Cause of Tumors and Cysts appeared first on Buzzy Bee Esther.
